Monday, June 30, 2008


I woke up with the song Start Me Up by the Stones in my head. Don't know why. But that reminded me of the promotion of Windows 95 some thirteen years ago. Kids nowadays have no recollection typing "win" at the DOS prompt after the computer booted up to run Windows 3.1 (or anything earlier) or how frequently you got the BSOD (the blue screen of death). Worse still, how it took ten or more 3.5" floppies to even install Windows onto your computer, you know before the advent of CD-ROMs. I doubt my 26 year old sister even remembers that... though my mom wouldn't remember that either, at least by experience, as she never used a computer really back then.

Any of you remember that?


Sarah said...

I really don't remember that. When the BSOD came up, I just hollered for dad to come fix it because I had an assignment due the next day. It was usually about 10 pm.

Anonymous said...

We didnt have that on home computers or school computers. We went from floppy, no net, log in on dos and type the password to play a game, computer to a computer that ran internet and Windows 98 bout, 11 yrs ago.
Remember those computers?
run TANK
password: tank1
syntax error
we had some packard bell ibm thingy
and if you were lucky at school (In cali) you could get on a computer in computer class that had a "macintosh" with a really cool looking mouse.

Mojave Desert Guy said...

Yup, I remember the ol' DOS. My favorite thing to do in it was type dir at the command prompt and just watch all those files go speeding by... until I learned dir/p.

The reason that Macs were so cool was because of the GUI (Graphic User Interface, aka the desktop screen and icons) and also because you could click and drag the icon Computer or whatever it may have been called and drag it to the trash can and wipe out all the memory of the computer. Clearly the developers weren't thinking what a bunch of kids might do for the fun of it when creating the system.