Saturday, September 12, 2015

Dad's House Construction - Sep 12, 2015

The Attic:

My Part of the Attic:

Dad's Part of the Attic:

Attic Exterior:

Attic Ingress/Egress:

Living Room:

My Bedroom:

Dad's desk used to be in the corner there.

Utility Room:
Those orange hoses will be the water in/out for the radiant heating system in the floor.

Master Bedroom:
The desk was moved over two days previous to today because a couple of days before that he had moved the modem over there and his computer no longer had internet access.

Master Bathroom:
Only missing a mirror and tile flooring.

Main Bathroom:

Crawl Space:


Septic System:

Septic Tank:
Where the sewage from the house first goes.  The septic tank will have to be pumped periodically to get rid of any solid waste.

Dosing Tank:
The next stop for sewage.  It fills until a certain level then is released downhill.

Absorption Field:
The final stop.  The liquid waste will eventually be absorbed by the ground.  Eventually there will be dirt on top of that plastic tarp to help with odor abatement.  There currently isn't any bad odors coming from it though.

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